Thursday, June 22, 2006

Not just for tree-huggers.

Please consider seeing the movie An Inconvenient Truth. Yes, it's about the environment. Yes, it's a documentary and not one of those Hollywood-imagines-environmental-disasters movies like that unscientific train wreck of a movie, The Day After Tomorrow (okay, some of the science was good in that movie, but if you think you can keep out cold like that by closing a door...hmph). Yes, Al Gore is your host. However, this documentary is not your boring "oh, there's going to be a substitute teacher next class; I'd better leave a movie for her to show the class" fodder. It has received multiple standing ovations. It is "surprisingly stirring." Even Al Gore is allegedly good: "Here he is seen as never before in the media -- funny, engaging, open and downright on fire." Please watch the trailer. Please seriously consider seeing this movie. I am going to see it with Martin tomorrow. I'll let you know if I still recommend it so strongly after that.

After all, Superman Returns doesn't start until Tuesday.


WestsideKef said...

Just went last night.

It should be required viewing for all high school students.

It should be required viewing for all my friends, too.

Heck, it should be required viewing for everyone.

Joy said...

I couldn't agree more. We're getting the DVD.