Saturday, January 27, 2007

6 years of bliss :)

Okay, pardon the horrible lighting in the photo, but you get the idea. As of today, Martin and I have been married 6 years! Many of you know that we also dated for 5 years before we got married, so that makes 11 years together, yikes! Yes, life with Martin is still good; I am a lucky girl to have this person in my life who looks after me in so many ways and puts up with me in so many others. The traditional 6th anniversary gift suggestion listed on all the tables I've seen is "Candy/Iron." If you are my friend (or recognize a Godiva box in a photo when you see one), you don't have to guess which side of the equation was exactly suited to my interests :). There are 3 sprigs of blue & purple orchids in there along with 6 roses (one for each year) that were much longer before I cut them down to put in the vase. As for what I got Martin, I went with the contemporary 6th anniversary gift suggestion of "wood"; I used the TreeGivers organization to arrange for a tree to be planted in our honour somewhere in Ontario. Good for the environment and a clutter-free gift Martin would appreciate to boot.

I am off to an education conference today (runs 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.), and then I think Martin and I need to go on a date or something. Happy weekend, everyone!

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