Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Joy's job journey, part 2

Remember my last post/note (depending on whether you're reading this through Blogger or Facebook) mentioned that I'm currently pursuing 2 opportunities in my search for a teaching position--a full-time possibility at a private Catholic school or supply teaching with the Toronto District School Board.

Today I returned to the private Catholic school for the 4th time (my interview was on Wednesday, and I visited the school for various lesson-prep-related reasons both Friday and yesterday) to teach my "trial" lesson. This school's hiring process is kind of like "Teacher Idol"...after your interview with the principal, you may get invited by the science department head to come in and teach a lesson so they can see you in action. I wasn't the first person involved to come in and teach a "trial" lesson, and I'm not the last...but I got an invitation. Unfortunately, the principal was not available to come and watch me teach this lesson as he had planned. The VP who is also the head of guidance came in for a very small part of my lesson...about one minute before I said, "that's all I have for you today" and assigned homework. However, the teacher who is moving to the States (creating the open position in the process) did observe me, talked with me as if I were the one who would be taking over (although he corrected himself now and then with a "...or whoever they decide to hire..."), and told me he had only good things to say about me after seeing my lesson. He told me that I am already a good teacher, and with experience will be a great one (ooo, something to look forward to, heh...that little ego boost didn't hurt my day any :)). In addition, he felt that the candidates who have already taught other "trial" lessons really didn't have their subject matter down pat, even with a week of preparation--they had trouble answering student questions, for example. HOWEVER, he thinks it is the principal and VP who will make the decision in the end...and that in the end it will come down to whether they want to go with someone who is young and has no (paid) experience but a good deal of subject matter (and thus can use the position to improve herself), or someone who has a lot of experience but maybe doesn't do so well on the content knowledge side of things. Story of my looking-for-a-teaching-job life, really. I'll post the news as soon as I hear the school's decision either way, but since at least 1 more person is coming in to teach a "trial" lesson it could take some time. This would be a really sweet position to get, if it does go through. The kids are motivated, well-behaved, and were partly admitted based on their academic ability (i.e., they're smart, too). The science department budget is a dream compared to that of public schools. Best of all, I would only have grade 11 and 12 chemistry on my timetable (I think 3 classes of each--it's a non-semestered school)! It is practically unheard of for a first-year teacher to only have 2 "preps" (courses to prepare for day-in, day-out). Whoa, slow down, Joy...you don't have the position yet, no sense getting too excited, heh :). I *would* have to learn a thing or two about what is expected of a Protestant teaching in a Catholic school, too.

On the supply teaching side of things, I got a call today from the Toronto District School Board to set up my "documenting" session. Lots of potential supply teachers are invited to this session, in which the Board collects all sorts of copies of this, that and the other thing (I count 8 pieces of paper I'm supposed to bring in with me) so that they have a complete file for you and can start paying you as soon as you start taking supply teaching work through them (yes, one of the items I'm supposed to bring is a void cheque, which to me carries a promise of being paid...a promise which is very exciting to me the as-of-yet unemployed teacher). The people there will also explain how the call system works and so on. My session isn't until Oct. 9, which is good because I have yet to get the recent TB test I'm required to bring with me :-P.

That's all I have to report for now. Hopefully all this means my days of having fun but making no money playing computer games at home are coming to an end. Stay tuned...


MiraFabulous said...

Any word?

Joy said...

Not yet. I'm trying not to call up the Catholic school *too* early in case other teachers have been invited in to teach "trial" lessons...but it would be nice to know :P.