Friday, August 25, 2006

You mean there's a 4 o'clock in the morning, too?

Yesterday my husband informed me that the person he carpools with wouldn't be at work today. He told me this last week, too, but this week the tone with which he told me this was slightly different. Last week I asked if he wanted a ride, given that I have my license now (and that he used to schlep me around all the time, after all), but he insisted on taking the bus, telling me it was too much gas to take the car out just to take him all the way to work and then come home by myself again. Like I said, though, this week his tone was different...this week it was that "I didn't really enjoy taking the bus for 2 hours to get to work last week; could you spare me that?" tone. So this morning I allowed my alarm clock to wake me up at 4:00 a.m. I hit snooze twice, but I'm not usually one of those people who can fall asleep again during the snooze's more a dozing time/time to convince myself that it is worth getting out of bed and starting the day/time to start processing what I have to do that day and/or worry about it. I put on my walking clothes (in anticipation of going for my walk on my return home), made myself a tea, made the bed, tidied up my jammies and my clothes from yesterday, then hopped on the computer to balance our bank accounts with Quicken and my tracking spreadsheet while I waited for my husband to be ready to go.

I discovered that it's really not too hard to feel awake at that time in the morning while conversing with someone, driving along and singing along to Bon Jovi. It's when I got home again that I really started to feel tired. However, I am going to try to stay up for a while and take a nap later, as I want to try to get myself used to early mornings again in anticipation of my return to school on Monday (3 days! eek!). Oh, my husband also took me into his workplace this morning and showed me around, so that was kinda neat (though a little serious when he showed me where he was when he had his AVM stroke 2 years ago and where he collapsed). I still didn't get to meet his coworker who plays WoW with us but that's alright.

I've decided I ain't going for a walk today after all. This is partly because I'm way too tired, partly because I don't want to go out walking while the garbage men are making the rounds (call me self-conscious but, well, it's true) and partly because tomorrow is the big annual birthday bash to celebrate the birthdays of 3 people in my extended family...the elder of my nephews, my brother's father-in-law, and the elder of my sister-in-law's adopted nieces (whom my sister-in-law's twin and my sister-in-law's brother-in-law adopted from China). Look out, here come some nested parentheses! [The latter two "relatives" really aren't related to me in any way whatsoever so me and my husband and my parents don't buy them presents (which was a little awkward when the adopted niece asked me and my husband one year if we'd gotten her a present, and why not), but we got my nephew (at my sister-in-law's suggestion) a Sea Monkeys kit (I got the "Sea Monkeys on Mars" one which looked pretty cool and the only boyish one of the non-ordinary kits besides). Pretty much all the other presents we know about that he's getting are clothes so I'm told our present will be the big hit.] Anyways, this bash is always held at some large park that includes hiking trails and so on. We used to go to Presqu'ile every year (and walk their boardwalk every year) but we have tried other parks more recently. This year we are going to Emily Provincial Park near Peterborough. I don't think I've ever been there so this should be interesting; thankfully my parents are willing to carpool with us so I won't have to worry about how to drive there (especially as I have yet to do a highway run since I got my G2...I know the highway is nice and all but I just haven't been ready to try it yet...I will, though, no worries). There is a hiking trail there which I am sure we will hit given the usual trend for these birthday bashes; it won't be at the pace I normally go for my walks but seeing as there will be at least 6 kids (my 4 nieces and nephews plus my sister-in-law's 2 nieces) and probably at least 4 dogs there I think I will get in enough exercise to make up for not going for a walk today. Well, yes, you're right, there will also be 3 different birthday cakes to try and a large meal besides, but it will all work out eventually :).

There, I've blogged. Haven't done that in, like, a week. Not that I'm the only one too busy playing WoW to blog ;). (Actually, in my case I've been partly busy being productive, partly busy playing WoW and partly too boring to have anything to blog about!) Oh, I got a haircut, too, so my hair won't be all straggly when I meet my classmates and profs on Monday. Now I just have to figure out what to wear...I wonder if I should get some new shoes? Aie, first day jitters...and this year it's not just "I wonder if the other kids will like me?" This year, it's "Will my classmates like me? Will my profs like me? Will they like me enough to sponsor me for one of the scholarships I need a sponsor for? Will my host teacher(s) like me? Will the kids I'm going to teach like me? Will the kids like me enough to respect my authority and listen to me, or will they like me because they think I'm a pushover and will then act up on me?" Oh well, really I'm pretty sure it will be a good year. Once I get a new pair of shoes.

Alright, I'm off for now. I have WoW to play, after all; I have fallen behind in my WoW playing due to my recent spurt of productivity and so I am only level 39 now. At level 40 I get this cool horse with flaming feet and eyes to ride (only warlocks get this cool horse; the regular horses that the other humans get to ride at level 40 don't look nearly as cool) so I can get around the game world faster. I won't be able to join in the high-level "endgame" content that my guildmates are regularly participating in as a large group until I'm level 60, though, so I have quite a ways to go. I'm still enjoying growing my character, but the pressure to grow up to 60 quickly is much greater than I felt when I had my first character on another server (and was not in this guild of all my husband's in-game friends), so I'm not enjoying it as much as I did on that character, but hopefully I will enjoy level 60 more than I did on that character (which I didn't enjoy much at all as I was not in a guild that was doing all the endgame stuff). Anyways, less blogging and more WoW-playing...and then, in a while when I am more awake, more going back to being productive. WoW really isn't my life, after all, don't worry.

Catch you in Azeroth.

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